Holy Rosary Cathedral has the only set of ringable bells for Change Ringing in Vancouver.
Other Change Ringing towers in the Pacific North-West region of North America are listed below.

Web Site: www.victoriaringers.ca
Visit the Victoria Ringers website and click on Change Ringing for further information about ringing in Victoria.
Ringers who visit Vancouver often include a visit to Victoria. Although only about 3 ½ hours from Vancouver by car (or public transit) and ferry, it is not possible to ring for the regularly scheduled ringing in both places on the same day for either Sunday Service ringing or Tuesday practice.

Contact: Rev. Alban Riley OSB
Email: ar@westminsterabbey.ca
The Westminster Abbey website does not contain any information about change ringing. Ringers who plan to visit Westminster Abbey should contact Father Alban. Ringing for visitors is usually possible late Sunday afternoons.

Website: depts.washington.edu/uwcbells/
Contact: Rebecca Woodgate, Tower Captain
Email: rebeccawoodgate@yahoo.com
If you happen to be in the Pacific Northwest on a Friday night, you may be able to catch a practice in Seattle, USA, at the newest tower on the west coast, a 2 ½ hour drive south of Vancouver. Please note this includes a border crossing into the United States; please take the necessary documents and allow extra time.